If the above recommendations failed to solve the issue, try contacting your bank, following the suggestions below.
Check the balance.Make sure your card has enough funds to make a payment. You can usually find out the balance amount via your personal bank account platforms (on the website, mobile app or via SMS-request). If the card balance is insufficient, you should top it up first.
Re-request a verification code.Make sure that you correctly enter the one-time password sent by the bank via SMS. If an error has occurred, you will need to retype the card data in FxPro Direct, before requesting the 3D-secure code once again.
All questions relating to 3D-secure – such as receiving or entering codes – should be directed towards your bank, using the contact phone number indicated on the back of the card.
Check banking restrictions.Make sure your card limit has not been exceeded by the new payment; also find out if it supports online payment transactions.
You should find the above information within your online personal bank account. If you are still unable to resolve your problem, we advise that you contact the card issuer.