Difference between MT4 and MT5 (MT4 vs MT5)
When deciding on an account type, there are 3 main things you need to consider: the product(s) you wish to trade and trading conditions, execution type, and finally, the capabilities and features of the platform itself.
Our in-house platform is the perfect all-in-one solution, as it allows trading on both MT4 & MT5 account types alongside top-quality execution that we are renowned for, via powerful web and mobile solutions.
The key difference between MetaTrader4 and MetaTrader5 lies in the range of the CFD products that is available on each one. For example, MT5 supports our wide range of Shares, and cTrader doesn’t support Shares or Futures.
Note that MetaTrader5 can be hedging or netting in terms of execution.
In terms of cost, we charge a spread on all of our products, with FX spreads on the cTrader platform generally being much lower, but with a fixed commission fee. You can review any differences in fees/trading conditions across each platform on the instrument specifications page. Rollover and dividend charges may also apply: https://www.fxpro.com/commissions-swap-charges