Handla CFD på Futures

Trade CFDs on Futures from around the world and explore endless trading opportunities

Prisbelönta NDD Utförande

All client trades are executed with No Dealing Desk1 intervention. Most trades are filled with lighting fast speeds in under 12 milliseconds, with up to 3,468 trades executed per second last year.

läs mer om vår exekveringsmodell

Most orders filled in <12 ms

Upp till 7000 order utförda per sekund

Superlåg latens datacenter samlokalisering

Välj Din Plattform

We provide our clients with a wide range of desktop, web and mobile trading platforms including FxPro platform, MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5 and cTrader.

Compare the features and functionalities of our trading accounts with the Platform Comparison Table.


Vad är Futures?

Futures are financial contracts between a buyer and a seller that some asset will be bought or sold at an agreed upon price and date in the future. The price agreed upon by both parties is known as the forward price while the specified future date of the payment is known as the delivery date.

Futures enable investors to speculate on the price movements of a range of commodities. For instance, if an investor believes that the price of a specific instrument will appreciate, they could purchase a Futures contract at a lower price and sell it at a later date, once the asset has increased in value.

En Värld full av Möjligheter

Trade CFDs on 2100+ instruments across a wide range of asset classes from a single trading account.

1   Med förbehåll för vår Orderutförande Policy.