FxPro Företagens Sociala Ansvar

Corporate Social Responsibility is a key part of FxPro's mission. We are actively involved in several registered charities and we strive to make a difference to the lives of people in need. Through our CSR initiatives, FxPro actively encourages and supports not only a higher quality of life but also proper education and nutrition.

Stöd och Bidrag

Som ett globalt företag med en mångsidig multietnisk arbetskraft, tror vi att effekten av vårt välgörande arbete är mycket större när vi ger våra medarbetare möjlighet att stödja de välgörenhetsorganisationer som de väljer. Vi arbetar hårt för att bygga starka och bestående relationer mellan företaget och gemenskaper vi arbetar med. Som ett resultat är FxPro nu involverat i ett brett sortiment av välgörenhetsorganisationer och har nyligen lovat sitt stöd till UNICEF, Röda Korset, lokala och internationella sjukhus, vårdanläggningar och välgörenhetsinsamlingar.

For us, Corporate Social Responsibility means operating in an ethical manner, minimizing our environmental impact, treating our employees and partners fairly and playing our part as a responsible corporate entity.

Etik och Affärsskötsel

In our approach to business we ensure that our work is conducted according to the highest ethical standards. The company acts in accordance with all existing legislation, regulations and codes of practice in the territories in which we operate.

We expect our people to uphold our ethical standards and work according to our policies. There is a self-certification process under which all employees signify their compliance with the terms of the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics. In addition, all employees must comply with the following policies: Conflicts of Interest, Related Party Transactions and Whistleblowing.

The policies imposed on FxPro meet the most stringent regulatory and legal requirements and are adopted globally across the Group.

Employees are encouraged to support and participate in community activities. By encouraging our people to work with the charities of their choice rather than with charities chosen by the company, we believe that we can maximize our aggregate charitable effort as a whole while also providing our employees with a greater sense of satisfaction.


FxPro actively encourages its people to engage in community development. We are as conscientious about Corporate Social Responsibility as we are about our products and services.

Our employees are at the heart of our operations and we are committed to ensuring that all our staff members experience a fair and respectful working environment.

FxPro:s Mänskliga Resurspolitik med ett ögonkast

  • Non-discrimination and equal opportunity policy
  • Flexible working policy for employees with child/adult care responsibilities
  • Additional leave for training purposes of junior staff
  • Sponsorship and support of job-related education (e.g. legal and financial qualifications)
We have a deep understanding of our impact on the environment. At FxPro, we aim to minimize our carbon footprint by raising awareness and taking achievable steps to reduce our energy output and waste of our daily operations.

Here are just a few of the initiatives we introduced to counter our environmental impact:

  • Återvinning och organiska soptunnor i köksområden
  • Återvinning av mobiltelefoner, datorer, lysrör och batterier
  • Use of energy efficient bulbs and timer/sensor lights
  • Use of teleconferencing in order to reduce the need for travel

Charities & Causes we support

The UN Refugee Agency

In 2022, FxPro donated to the UNHCR, a charity that works with partners on the ground to provide humanitarian assistance to refugees, including food, shelter, medicine, and other lifesaving essentials for displaced communities.

Naked Heart Foundation, London UK

In 2019, 2020 and 2021, FxPro made very substantial donations to the Naked Heart Foundation which is a charity providing support to families with children who have disabilities or special needs, helping to transform and enrich the lives of those affected.

Butterfly Ball Monaco

In 2019, FxPro sponsored the “Butterfly Ball Monaco”, a Charity Gala Dinner organised by the Caudwell Children. This organisation acts as a safety net for families who are unable to gain the vital help that they need. We fully support the goal of helping to transform the lives of disabled children across the UK.

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