
cTraderFlytande spreads
Minimum: 45.00Genomsnitt: 92.31
Market Hours*Open Now
Market Hours*Open Now
Gräns- och stoppnivå0
1 tick värde0.01
Minimum kontraktstorlek0.01 lot
1 andel storlek1 DSH
1 Pip-värde per 1 andel i USD0.01 USD
Minsta steg för att öka kontraktets storlek0.01 lot
Marginalkrav för att öppna en lås position*0
Exekveringsläge Market (irrelevant of platform or Account type)

* Only if Margin Level > 100%

De angivna spreads är en återspegling av det tidsvägda genomsnittet från 09:00 till 21:00 (GMT) för perioden 01/04/2020 - 30/06/2020. Även om FxPro försöker tillhandahålla konkurrenstryck under alla handelstimmar bör kunder notera att dessa kan variera och är mottagliga för underliggande marknadsförhållanden. Ovanstående är endast avsedd för vägledande ändamål. Klienterna rekommenderas att kontrollera viktiga nyhetsmeddelanden i vår Ekonomiska Kalender, vilket bland annat kan leda till att spreads ökar.

Ovanstående spreads är tillämpliga under normala valutahandelsvillkor. FxPro har rätt att ändra ovanstående spreads enligt marknadsvillkoren från 'Villkor för Affärsverksamhet'.


Dash appeared relatively earlier than other popular cryptocurrencies. Its unique two-tier architecture was created in 2014 based on the ready-made Bitcoin code. Two years later, the Dash cryptocurrency and payment system itself gained popularity across dozens of countries, managing to attract both institutional and private investors.

Anyone who wants to pay with these coins for goods and services or make transfers can do so anonymously and instantly. Users have become so fond of Dash that hundreds of well-known online stores from different countries have begun to accept it.

Bitcoin's source code didn't stop creators from developing significant differences and gaining fans among the users. First of all, the system can be updated at any time and continue to be technically perfect without too much difficulty.

Also, all transactions are truly anonymous. That means no traces of transfers remain on the network as if you arrived at the place and paid for the purchase in cash. This is not available to Bitcoin users since their transactions are published on the blockchain, where they become available to everyone.

In addition, Dash is characterised by stability, protection against hacking, and the size of commissions tending to be close to zero.

It is believed that the rate of the DASH cryptocurrency does not depend on the economic situation in the world, and it can be transferred to any other traditional or digital currency at the internal rate.

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