
cTraderSpreads + 0.35 $ per 10K handlad
Minimum: 1.00Genomsnitt: 13.90
Market Hours*Closed Now
Market Hours*Closed Now
Gräns- och stoppnivå0
Lägsta Prisfluktuation0.001
1 tick värde0.001 USD
1 andel storlek1 gr
Minimum kontraktstorlek5 gr
Minsta steg för att öka kontraktets storlek1 lot
Marginalkrav för att öppna en lås position*0

* Only if Margin Level > 100%

De angivna spreads är en återspegling av det tidsvägda genomsnittet från 09:00 till 21:00 (GMT) för perioden 01/04/2020 - 30/06/2020. Även om FxPro försöker tillhandahålla konkurrenstryck under alla handelstimmar bör kunder notera att dessa kan variera och är mottagliga för underliggande marknadsförhållanden. Ovanstående är endast avsedd för vägledande ändamål. Klienterna rekommenderas att kontrollera viktiga nyhetsmeddelanden i vår Ekonomiska Kalender, vilket bland annat kan leda till att spreads ökar.

Ovanstående spreads är tillämpliga under normala valutahandelsvillkor. FxPro har rätt att ändra ovanstående spreads enligt marknadsvillkoren från 'Villkor för Affärsverksamhet'.

FxPro provides an opportunity to trade CFDs on GOLDgr.

First of all, GOLDgr is affected by seasonality, trading activity growth, and downturns throughout the day. Also, GOLDgr trading decisions should be taken based on data from the Economic Calendar: it makes sense to follow the USA and China statistics. As for the global trend, it still looks growing on the scale of weekly candles over thirty years.

GOLDgr, in comparison with major currencies, has a negative correlation. During the downtrend of the main currency pairs, clients are used to trade GOLDgr as well, expecting rapidly rises in price. Also, from time to time, the Australian dollar quotes have a positive correlation with GOLDgr chart.

The popularity of GOLDgr trading is growing along with the news of the microelectronics development (computers and mobile gadgets production), as well as the traditional use of this metal in the chemical industry.

In banks and foreign exchange reserves, GOLDgr is stored in bars or coins, which correspond to an indicator of 999.99 gold content, or 24 carats. There is even more pure quality – 99.999, but such samples are very costly since the cleaning procedure is rather complicated.

It is important to follow the news of metal-mining companies and the global situation around USD. That will allow you to draw up a responsible trading plan.

Traders can often observe some kind of correlation between the growth of non-ferrous metals' prices and GOLDgr during the economic boom, and a possible decrease in demand during the financial crisis.

The yuan regularly correlates with GOLDgr quotes due to the superiority of China in the volume of its mining. The second place belongs to Australia; the continent has the largest proven reserves of this precious metal. Russia is in third place.

You can trade GOLDgr on MT4, MT5, cTrader and FxPro Trading mobile platform (inside the FxPro Direct App).

Scroll through the chart above and discover actual Bid and Ask prices of CFD on GOLDgr on the global market, as well as the historical performance and volatility of this asset. This information can be used to make informed trading decisions.

GOLDgr trading with FxPro starts from simple registration. Just click the “Register” button at the top of the page and follow the prompts. Then, you will have an ability to fund your new account: several convenient online methods with 0% commissions are available.

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